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A Course in Miracles Book Review

Writer's picture: jazzy expertjazzy expert

Miracles are expressions of total forgiveness. They re-awaken the mind to God’s Atonement principle, which brings about perfect love between man and his neighbor.

They also correct perception by separating false from true. This testing of reality allows for the correct delineation of intra- and interpersonal boundaries. It is a powerful correction factor that shakes up erroneous thinking and reorganizes it properly.

The Impersonal Nature of Miracles

The impersonal nature of miracles is important to understand. It can help us see that these events are not spouting out of freaks of nature or figments of our imagination, but that they come from the power and loving hand of God.

The most common definition of a miracle is one that causes wonder, and is in some way unusual or contrary to our expectations. However, this concept also involves an ontological aspect that points to a metaphysical distance (transcendence) and an epistemological indeterminacy.

This ontology and epistemological indeterminacy may prevent the category of miracles from creating religious behaviors or influencing the meaning of life. This is a significant problem for some people, especially those who have lower religiosity.

For many, the reality of miracles is in tension with modern, naturalistic presuppositions that have been influenced by science. It is easy to stifle the possibility of miracles because we think that the regularities or laws of nature are ultimately impersonal, which means that there can be no exceptions.

But the Bible tells us that we should believe what is in accord with the higher level of creation and reject discordant aspects of our beliefs. This is the only way to correct our perceptions and release ourselves from the hold of fear. awakening movie

The Bible also describes how Jesus performs miracles as part of the redemptive work of a loving God. He is the Savior of humanity, and He gives gifts to men.

The Personal Nature of Miracles

Miracles are a widespread belief in practically all religions. In the etymology of the word, miracle is defined as "a work of God which causes wonder and astonishment."

They are thus considered extraordinary in their nature. Yet, a miracle is not merely a supernatural event but rather something that violates a special conception of natural law and is therefore inexplicable by normal standards.

Historically, miracles have been defended on the basis of the personal nature of a transcendent God. Jacob Vernet, Thomas Houtteville, Jean-Marie Le Clerc, John Clarke, and Peter Less argued that given such a God, it is entirely possible for God to perform events which are outside the course of nature.

The orthodox thinkers appealed to this conception of a personal God, who conserves the world moment by moment (Vernet, Houtteville), is omnipotent (Clarke), and is free to act as he wills (Vernet, Less).

Spinoza, for example, argued against miracles on the basis of the unchangeableness of nature. But, as Houtteville and Less pointed out, the properties of matter and energy do not flow from the being of God with inexorable necessity but from his choice. Consequently, if God willed from eternity to produce a miracle at some point in time, he would not violate his own being and decrees. This is the only way in which theological miracles can be justified. It is also the only way in which a God who has chosen to conserve the universe in its being in moment by moment can allow the production of extraordinary events which would otherwise be physically impossible.

The Affirmation of Holiness

The affirmation of holiness is one of the many spiritual teachings within the A Course in Miracles curriculum. It is a spiritual path that uses forgiveness as a way of letting go of fear and coming into peace in the present.

Holiness is an essential part of the teachings of A Course in Miracles and reflects the nature of God. It is important to remember that God is a holy and perfect being, free of sin and guilt. It is His holiness that sets Him apart from the world.

Throughout the Bible, people often trembled when they saw God in his holiness. They were awed by His majesty, power, and beauty (Isaiah 6:5, Psalm 96:9; Revelation 1:17).

It is through these experiences that we come to realize our true nature and the depth of our need for spiritual growth. When we allow the sanctification process to take place, we are able to recognize our true identity as children of God.

The Scriptural understanding of holiness is that it is a state of perfection and a condition of purity. This is why it is a good idea to regularly practice meditating on the holiness of God. This will help us to grow in this area and become better citizens of the Kingdom of God, a kingdom that is already here and is now growing.

The Affirmation of Unity

The affirmation of unity is a vital part of the Course of Jesus Christ. It is the principle that God intends His created beings to be and act together in harmony, peace, and fruitfulness.

It is based on the truth that we are all one in Christ (Gal. 3:27). It is also based on the fact that we are all good and inherently right. It is a philosophy that is very refreshing to many people because it takes the view that humans are inherently good.

However, the truth of the matter is that there has been a great deal of disunity and conflict between humanity and its Creator throughout history. The culprit is sin, which is the antithesis of true community and the root cause of the suffering that plagues humanity and the world.

To the extent that Christians attempt to resolve conflict through sweeping evil under the rug, stiff-arm critique, or dismissing conflict in order to maintain a “kumbaya” circle, they are failing to embrace biblical unity and, as a result, will suffer the consequences of their disunity. King David learned this the hard way when he failed to execute justice for Tamar, a young girl raped by her brother Amnon (2 Sam. 13).

Therefore, Christians should pursue a redemptive trajectory and goal as they exemplify God’s revealed basis for unity and limits on diversity in their communities of faith. They should fortify this ideal with truth, justice, love, and faith, seeking to exemplify these values even as they struggle and fail.

The Affirmation of Grace

The A Course in Miracles (ACIM) is a well-researched, self-contained book which deals with universal spiritual themes and practices. Its core message is that all of life, including our own, is a miracle. It is a system for the development of inner peace, courtesy of our divine Source, and the ability to see through the ego and the frailties of flesh to the infinite presence of God.

One of the most challenging aspects of this work is a willingness on your part to let go of the old, limiting beliefs which have been ingrained since the day you were born. This may require some self-work, a good deal of prayer, and a little help from your higher self or spirit guide.

What the ACIM program does best is to teach you how to let go of your past and present, so you can enjoy the here and now of today. As you learn to see yourself, your world, and your circumstances with newfound eyes, you will be rewarded with greater health, wealth, and joy.

The best way to experience this is to get a copy of the aforementioned aCMM book youtube and start your own aCMM journey today. You'll be inundated with a veritable fountain of information that will help you to make the right choices, be more grateful and happier in your relationships, and find a better work/life balance.


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