ACIM is written on a high intellectual level with sophisticated metaphysical, theological and psychological concepts embedded in its teaching. For this reason, it cannot be read and understood by a mind that is closed to truth.
This Complete and Annotated edition transcribes Helen Schucman’s handwritten notes exactly as she wrote them, including footnotes that clarify challenging passages. It is the true spiritual masterpiece of our time.
How to Read
A Course in Miracles does not claim to be the only way to God. In fact, it says that everyone will find his or her own path. However, it is clear that the Course is for anyone who is willing to work at it. The Course suggests that one of the best ways to do this is to read it every day. The workbook even goes so far as to assign a full page of reading each day.
The book is written in a highly intellectual style, with sophisticated metaphysical, theological, and psychological concepts integrated throughout. Consequently, a person who is not inclined to this kind of thinking would have difficulty understanding much of it. For this reason, the primary dictum of the manual for teachers is to read slowly and carefully, and think about what you are reading. ucdm
What to Expect
The Course is on a very high intellectual level, and sophisticated metaphysical, theological, and psychological concepts are integrated into its teachings. A person who has no intellectual or spiritual background might have difficulty understanding much of the material. The Course states that it is not intended to be a religion, and it is clear that people will find their own paths to God, not necessarily the one suggested by the Course. One of the most helpful things in studying the Course is an appendix called “clarification of terms.” This is a brief explanation of some of the terminology used throughout the text.
The Course is a spiritual teaching that emphasizes forgiveness and viewing reality through the eyes of God. It teaches that there is only love, truth and abundance in the world, and that all problems are merely misperceptions which call for love and forgiveness instead of punishment and guilt. The Course is not just philosophical or academic, but focuses on the practical application of its principles through daily Workbook lessons.
Helen Schucman, the author of A Course in Miracles, received it through a process called inner dictation beginning in 1965. During the next ten years, she typed up her shorthand notes, which became A Course in Miracles. She published the three-volume set in 1976 through the Foundation for Inner Peace. The Course has since been read by thousands of people around the world, and has helped change many lives.
The text and Workbook contain the fundamental teachings of the Course, along with a series of questions and answers and a brief introduction to the spiritual concept of love. There are also numerous cross-references and footnotes to help the reader/student navigate through the often complex and challenging material.
There is no one best way to study the Course, and the Manual for Teachers specifically states that this curriculum is highly individualized and student-centered. However, there are some suggestions that can be helpful to students:
Purchasing an actual copy of the book is recommended, as reading it online or through a PDF version can sometimes lead to confusion or difficulty in understanding certain concepts. There are a number of different formats available, and it is important to find the edition that is right for you.
It is also a good idea to begin with the Text, as this is the foundation upon which the rest of the book is built. From there, decide whether you would like to read the Workbook or the Manual for Teachers first, or a combination of both. Then, determine how much time you are willing to devote each week to studying the Course – a section a day, a chapter a week, or maybe even a whole book!
A Course in Miracles, or ACIM, is a self-study curriculum of spiritual psychotherapy that presents a different way of seeing and thinking about the world. It incorporates Christian doctrine and terminology, but it also mixes in Eastern mysticism and perennial philosophy with a healthy dose of modern psychology. It is both an intellectual and a spiritual work, making it popular among people of many backgrounds.
Although Helen Schucman never claimed to be the author of the Course, she did say that a voice spoke to her and told her to write down what it said. She did so over the years of 1965-1972, resulting in three volumes: the Text, the Workbook for Students, and the Manual for Teachers. She was assisted by two Columbia University professors, Bill Thetford and Ken Wapnick. They helped her organize the dictation into its present form, adding titles and chapters, removing much of the early material which she felt did not belong in the Course, and other editorial work.
The result is that the book is fairly complex to read. Its sheer size, along with its spiritual and philosophical content, can be intimidating for newcomers to ACIM. However, those who persevere and remain open-minded will find that the Course is both accessible and transformative.
One of the most important points to understand is that while A Course in Miracles uses Christian language, it is not a religion. It states that it is only "one of thousands of forms that the universal course takes" (M.1.4). It is a restatement of the core wisdom of all major religions, and it does not try to tell people which of those religions is right.
The Foundation for Inner Peace (FIP), the current copyright holders of the Course, has published several books that are helpful in understanding its teachings. These include: The ACIM Text Made Simple, The Healing of Thought, The Meaning of Prayer, and the Manual for Teachers, all of which are available on Amazon. It is recommended that you read these books before beginning to study the Course. FIP has also produced a series of audio recordings of the Course's Text lessons that are useful in helping to bring its teachings to life.