When someone asks you what your zodiac sign is, your first instinct is probably to tell them your sun sign. But there's much more to astrology than that.
For example, you also have a moon sign and rising (or ascendant) sign. And then there are the planets that reside in different houses.
What is astrology?
If you've ever glanced at a newspaper's horoscope section or paid $1.99 per minute to get an astrological reading over the phone, you may have an idea of what astrology is all about. Astrology in its most basic form is the belief that planetary movements can influence our lives and predict future events.
The practice was founded 2,000 years ago and revolves around the zodiac, which is a belt of constellations that marks our path through one year. It is thought that the constellations move across the sky, which can influence our life choices, personality, and relationships.
Sun signs are the most familiar elemental dividing line of the zodiac, but they only cover a small part of your astrological profile. Professional astrologers look at your entire birth chart, which is a snapshot of the sky from the day you were born and includes not only your sun sign, but also your moon sign, rising sign, houses, planets, modalities, and more. Learning all about this intricate system can feel like navigating an iceberg. what is the ugliest zodiac sign
Sun sign
Most people are familiar with their sun sign, which astrologers use to identify the general area of influence for someone's personality. Sun signs are determined by the constellations that the sun passes through (and spends a month of each year in) on its annual journey around the Earth.
Sun sign astrology is the simplified system of Western astrology that many people are accustomed to, and it's what newspaper horoscopes are typically based on. Your sun sign is the constellation that the sun was in when you were born. Your astrologer will also consider the date, month, year, and time of your birth to determine your sun sign.
Virgos are known as the brainy A students of the zodiac, and their mutable earth qualities make them quick to take in new information and ideas. They're the perfectionists of astrology, seeking to get every little detail just right in all that they do. They're organized and practical, but they're also sensitive and empathetic. They love languages and communication. Virgos are the sign of service, and they love to help those in need.
Moon sign
While most horoscopes focus on a person's Sun sign, that's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to understanding your birth chart. Professional astrologers examine a much bigger picture, which they call a full natal chart, based on the date, time and place of your birth.
Unlike the Sun, which sheds light on the external parts of your personality and how others perceive you, your moon sign reveals your inner self and emotions. It's also said to dictate how well you get along with women and your general sense of security in life.
So, if you have a Moon in Libra, for example, you're philosophical, curious, fun-loving and prone to embrace a YOLO-esque perspective. You also love soaking up all the knowledge you can, especially when it comes to distant travel destinations, politics and social justice. Meanwhile, those with a Moon in Pisces are imaginative, intuitive and dreamy. They find escapism through their artistry and often send poetry or gifts to their crush/significant other. Every heavenly body is said to "rule" a zodiac sign, and your moon sign is no different.
Rising sign
The rising sign, also known as the ascendant, is the zodiac sign that was ascending on the eastern horizon at the exact time of your birth. It’s a different placement than the sun and moon signs but just as important! It’s how the world sees you, and it’s a huge part of what makes you unique.
It’s also the cusp of the first house, so it rules your personality and approach to life. The other 12 houses follow the ascendant in a clockwise direction, and each house is ruled by the zodiac signs that come after it.
For example, if your sun sign is Virgo but you feel like you’re more of a deep-feeling Pisces, that could be due to your rising sign. Understanding these planetary placements is key to getting an accurate astrological reading! But before we get into those, let’s take a look at the other components of your chart. Specifically, the houses, planets and aspects! We’ll discuss each one and how they interact with each other. (Hint: squares are challenging, while trines and sextiles are blessings!) We’ll also learn about the four Elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water.
Astrology isn't just about the 12 zodiac signs; it also focuses on the planets that govern them. In Western astrology, the planets function like the main characters in your horoscope's narrative, and their placements within the signs and houses of your birth chart give shape to your unique personality traits. Chani Nicholas explains it like this: "The planets are the players, the signs are the costumes they wear, and the houses are the stages, or areas of life, on which they act out their horoscope dramas."
The Sun is our star sign's guiding light; it's the core of our identity and the energy that drives us to be our best selves. Its rulership over Leo makes you a born entertainer, while its radiance inspires your creativity and courage.
The Moon is the celestial companion to the Sun, and its influence can be seen in your moods and relationships. The Moon is known for its different phases, as well as the ebb and flow of its tides. Its rulership of Cancer gives you a compassionate nature and an ability to pick up on others' feelings.
You may know your Sun sign, but how much do you understand about the houses? The 12 houses are all about different areas of your life, from money and relationships to health and spirituality. They are where the planets and zodiac signs show up most strongly in your chart.
Each house represents a particular area of life and is like the stage set upon which the planets (or “actors”) play out their parts. Each of these stages has different traits or urges associated with it.
The first house governs your self-image and how others see you. It is also about your personal resources, including your ability to earn money, possessions, and trust. This house is ruled by Aries.
The second house governs your relationships, social circles, and networking. It is ruled by Taurus. The third house governs communication, both verbal and nonverbal. It is ruled by Gemini. The fourth house governs your home and family, and is ruled by Cancer. The seventh house is all about partnerships and is ruled by Libra.
The angular relationships between planets and parts of your horoscope chart are known as aspects. Each one represents a specific part of the circle that forms around each planet, and it comes with its own meaning.
For example, two planets that form a conjunction (closeness) together could symbolize a strong and supportive bond or it might be more challenging and cause friction. The same is true for an opposition (right angles) and a trine (smoothness).
Each aspect exerts its influence over a range of degrees that's centered around the exact angle or arc of the aspect. The wider this arc is, the less impact it has. Astrologers call this the "orb."
There are five major astrological aspects to know, and knowing them is the foundational understanding needed to interpret your horoscope. These are conjunction, opposition, sextile, square, and trines. Learn about them and how they work to create the unique personality of your birth chart. Then you'll have the tools to read other people's charts as well. And that's when astrology really starts to become fun!
The first question many people ask about a potential date or crush is their zodiac sign. Knowing someone's sun sign -- determined by their birthday, or where the sun was at the time of their birth -- gives you a general idea of their personality traits and core values.
But if you want to dive deeper into compatibility, your best bet is to check out their full natal chart, which includes their date, time and location of birth. This will show you which planets are in each other's houses, as well as the aspects they form together. These include conjunctions, sextiles and trines. Jupiter, for example, will bring expansion and luck, while Saturn can illuminate your POV on commitment and karma.
A trine, which is when two signs are in the same element, is the most harmonious aspect in a relationship. However, if the signs are in a square -- three signs apart -- this can indicate challenges, as well as head-butting and clashing opinions. Pisces, for example, are the most sentimental of the water signs, but they're also intuitive and compassionate. Pisces can make great creatives, psychologists, marine biologists and tarot card readers.